Prof. Ali Rhouma is a senior project officer at PRIMA foundation
responsible for Nexus Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems. He conducted
comprehensive assessments of water-energy-food systems and exhibited
profound acumen in comprehending the intricacies of Energy-Water-Food
Nexus policies and financing mechanisms in the Mediterranean region.
He holds an agricultural engineering degree (INAT-Tunisia),
European Master in environment at Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology and a PhD in agriculture (UCBL-France, INATTunisia,). He has more than 20 years of experience in
agricultural research in Tunisia and in the Mediterranean
region and led several research and innovation projects and
is a co-author and author of 80 publications and 4 National
patents. He participated to several European projects (FP6,
FP7, H2020) aiming to reinforce S&T policy dialogue in the
Euro-Mediterranean region. He previously worked at Ministry of Agriculture - Tunisia
as the director of Research Department.